In individual counselling, you have Fran`s full attention.
She makes it safe to talk about absolutely anything, and to discover what is really troubling you. Then, together through counselling, you and Fran plan a path towards moving forward, to creating effective and lasting changes that are meaningful to you.
The following are areas best supported by individual counselling:
- Relief from depression
- Unburdening old wounds
- Setting healthier boundaries
- Relief from traumatic experiences
- Enhancing motivation and optimism
- Transforming anxiety, worry, or anger
- Moving from co-dependence to thriving
- Removing blockages to energy and creativity
- Maximizing health and recovery from illness
- Adapting to change
- Honoring grief and loss
- Life stages and transitions
- Strengthening Self-esteem
- Re-gaining a sense of inner direction and purpose
- Living a meaningful, satisfying, and productive life
Take the first step and call Fran.